As you read the chapter, consider these questions. As you come up with your own bring them, or post them as comments.
- If the famine in the Negev is over, how long did they stay in Egypt?
- Abram returns to a specific place, and in spite of the text, where was the "first place" for him?
- Abram returns from Egypt and how is he described?
- It would seem he has shared the wealth with Lot, so how many groups are trying to use the same land?
- Look at a map of Canaan (see below or in your Bible). What other major city is in the Jordan Valley, but is not mentioned here?
- Why would a nomadic herdsman settle near cities?
- What seems to be Lot's "favorite" city?
- As soon as Lot leaves, what happens with Abram?
- God tells Abram to travel the length and breadth of the land, according to a map, how far does he go?
- If you have a "Bible Dictionary" look up Hebron. What kinds of things is if famous for? What sort of people lived there?