Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wealth, Family, and Choices

Now for Genesis 13!  This is an interesting chapter (they all are), but has less "issues" than some of our previous ones.  There are excellent elements of foreshadowing, Abram shows his character, and so does God.

As you read the chapter, consider these questions.  As you come up with your own bring them, or post them as comments.
  • If the famine in the Negev is over, how long did they stay in Egypt?
  • Abram returns to a specific place, and in spite of the text, where was the "first place" for him?
  • Abram returns from Egypt and how is he described?
  • It would seem he has shared the wealth with Lot, so how many groups are trying to use the same land?
  • Look at a map of Canaan (see below or in your Bible).  What other major city is in the Jordan Valley, but is not mentioned here?
  • Why would a nomadic herdsman settle near cities?
  • What seems to be Lot's "favorite" city?
  • As soon as Lot leaves, what happens with Abram?
  • God tells Abram to travel the length and breadth of the land, according to a map, how far does he go?
  • If you have a "Bible Dictionary" look up Hebron.  What kinds of things is if famous for?  What sort of people lived there?
That should get you through the chapter, and setup chapter 14.  Be sure to post other questions and prayer requests as comment or in reply to the email!  See you Thursday!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Faith That Travels, but Doesn't Protect?

Greetings!  On April 26 we will be out of the "Prologue" of Genesis and into the Patriarchs.  For this Thursday, read Genesis 12, and we'll discuss both halves (vs. 1-9, and 10-20).  As you read, consider the following questions:
  • What are the elements of God's command to go to Canaan?
  • Why does Abram build altars?
  • At what point does God promise the land?  At what point does He promise Abram will be a great nation?
  • How far through Canaan does Abram get?
  • What do you think Abram thinks of being a great nation in that land?
  • Why does Abram go to Egypt?
  • Look at Genesis 11:26-32; what relationship is described between Abram and Sarai?
  • What's the problem with Abram's logic as they enter Egypt?
  • He seems right about his evaluation of Sarai, but what happens to the Pharaoh when he agrees?
  • What does Pharaoh do once the plagues hit his household?
That should get us thinking anyway.  Be sure to note any other questions you have and bring them on Thursday.  I look forward to seeing everyone!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cities of Confusion

We will be skipping April 12 and meeting again on April 19.  On the 19th, we will be in the first part of Genesis 11, but I will also bring in two pieces of chapter 10.  It would be a good idea to at least skim chapter 10 to get the list of who's who because what happens in the first part of 11 overlaps some events in 10 (or maybe it doesn't).  Be sure to read all of 11 (at least once) even though we won't be going over all of it in detail.

As you read, consider the questions below.  It might be good to have a Bible Atlas handy.
  • In Genesis 10:8-12 where is the "Land of Cush" and where is his son, Nimrod, establishing cities?
  • List the cities Nimrod established, and find as many of them as you can on a "Assyria" or "Babylonia" map in the back of your Bible (several of the more famous ones will be there).
  • If the "people" moved east to Mesopotamia (the plain of Shinar), where did they come from?
  • What is God's real problem with them building the city/tower?  How would you define it?
  • Sandwiched between two genealogical lists, what do you think the purpose of this account might be?  Why is it here?
  • Where is Ur?
That won't take anywhere near two weeks.  So whatever else you come up with will only enhance your study and understanding.  I look forward to studying this chapter with you in a few weeks.  From here we get into more familiar territory with Abram (Abraham) and the other Patriarchs.  It will be quite a journey to the Exodus. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Streaks of Color and "Colorful People"

Coming up this Thursday, April 5, we will be studying Genesis 9.  The oddities in the chapter should make for great conversation.  Read it over a few times, jotting down questions that occur to you.  Also, if you have the opportunity to read it in a few different versions, that might generate some additional questions; jot those down too.

Consider the following on your third or fourth trip through the chapter:
  • Read this blog entry I made way back in January this year.  It examines the first seven verses.
  • Who is the "bow in the cloud" a reminder for, us or God?
  • Look at Gen 8:20-22, then Gen 9:1-7, then Gen 9:8-17 as separate pieces.  Can they rearranged?  Are they "sequential"?  And what are the distinct emphases of each?
  • What different (or similar) element of God's character shows in each piece?
  • What is up between Noah and Canaan?  Is this a mean "grandpa" or what is it?
  • Follow this link to see the range of meaning of this Hebrew word.  It was used in the blessing of Japheth in the first part of verse 27.  Was it necessarily a "blessing"?
That should shake it up enough for now. I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!  Have a blessed week, and be sure to post questions and/or prayer requests.

By the way, if you "join" this blog, you get automatic notifications of each posting, and it's easier to post comments.  It's not hard to do, but Google does want you to have a Google account.