After reading through several times on your own, jotting down questions and observations, consider the questions below as you go through a few more times:
- The word normally translated as "rare" really misses an important element of the meaning. Look up the Hebrew word used for "rare". What's the difference?
- What does it mean that the "lamp of God had not yet gone out"? Read Leviticus 24:2-4. What might it mean if the lamp does go out?
- Where was Samuel sleeping? Read Exodus 26:30-35, and Leviticus 16:2-13. Why might Samuel's place of sleeping be considered dangerous?
- It was said of Eli's sons that they did not know God (1 Samuel 2:12), so what is different about Samuel here?
- What might it mean that "nor had the word of the LORD yet been revealed to him"?
- What is it that takes Eli three times to figure out? Why would it have taken three times?
- Where is God when He calls to Samuel?
- How does Samuel's response differ from Eli's instructions? Why might that be?
- The message seems shorter than the one given to the "man of God" in the previous chapter. But what is the point here?
- In 1 Samuel 2:22 the word for "tent" is used specifically for the place of worship. But now "doors" are being opened. And the word "palace" is again used to refer to it. So, what sort of place is this? How do you imagine it?
- What is Samuel's feelings about the "word" he has been given by God?
- Eli calls him and tells him not to hide anything from him, what does he say will happen if Samuel does?
- Samuel tells him and what does Eli say? Why say that? How might he have said it?
- From the final three verses of Chapter 3 how much times elapses between the "word of God" coming to Samuel, and the events in Chapter 4? So, what does it mean when God says He's about to do something?
- How "rare" is the word of God now?