Monday, November 2, 2015

Retirement Party at Levi's House! EVERYONE Welcome!

This is the Bible study page for the Thursday Night Bible Study Group meeting November 12 to study Luke 5:27-36. There are lots of opportunities to ask why in this passage.  Why do the Pharisees care, why do they ask the disciples instead of Jesus, and so on.  Take every opportunity to ask why.

Read through the passage several times, making notes.  You have extra time this session, two weeks, so take your time, but don't wait until next week to start.  Jot down notes and questions you have before you use any commentary materials.  Look up stuff like banquets and so on in a good Bible dictionary and/or Bible handbook.  Once you feel familiar with the passage, then go to any commentary materials you may have.  See if your questions get answered and what new ones you come up with.  After you've done all that, go back through with the questions below:
  • What have you learned/looked up about taxes, specifically the ones Levi was collecting? If you haven't looked any up, check out this article at Blue Letter Bible. It's long, so focus on III.4. (Under The Romans), but you have time to read the rest for context and contrast.
  • What do you think was involved in everything Levi left behind to follow Jesus?
  • Levi hosts a banquet with Jesus.  Why do you think he would do that?  Why didn't he leave that and those friends behind when he "left everything"?
  • Jesus eats with sinners.  What do you think about His comment to the offended Pharisees?  Why is he eating with them?
  • Jesus says He came to call sinners rather than righteous.  What do you think He means by that? Do you think Jesus really believes the Pharisees are that healthy?
  • The Pharisees then ask about fasting.  What do you think is the connection between these two subjects for the Pharisees? Perhaps an article on fasting would help?  Here's one.
  • Why do you think the Pharisees would bring up John and his disciples as examples?
  • What do you think Jesus' initial response about the bridegroom and groomsmen means?
  • So, if the disciples don't fast now, but will later, what do you think Jesus' point is about the old and new (patches and wineskins)?
  • Considering Jesus' final statement, what do you think Jesus is 'favoring' in this parable?
Below are some suggestions for applying the AHA principles to your study:

AWAKENING:  Prayerfully go through looking for the thing that God is using to awaken something in you.  Think through your life in relation to the people and teaching involved.  Jot down the 'alarm' that God is using with you.
HONESTY: Next be honest about your life in light of this 'alarm'.  Think through what God is pointing out to you about your life, like where you have strayed from a direction He gave you before, or about something you've been doing or not doing.  What do you see about your life in a new light from this passage?
ACTION:  Lastly, what do you need to do about what you discover?  What action do you need to take in light of your honest assessment of what God is saying to you?  What can you do now, before Thursday?  What do you need to do, perhaps long-term?
Be sure to bring your notes, questions, and any AHA realizations you found!

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