Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Staying Alive In Church

This is the page for the small group meeting Thursday, September 27.  This week we will be in Acts 5 (or at least start it).  It's a long chapter and a lot happens, so we'll get through as much as we can in the time we have.

As you read through the chapter, notice that the first eleven verses really are a continuation of the last 5 of chapter 4.  The rest of the chapter is made up of the near extinction of very happy apostles.  Read through the chapter a few times and look for the odd things people do, or don't do (the religious leaders, the apostles, and what are the people doing?).  Write down questions that come up and bring them to the group Thursday.

After reading through several times, consider these questions as you read through a final time:
  • When did Ananias claim all the money was at Peter's feet?
  • What would Ananias and Sapphira gain by lying? What probably motivated them?
  • Why would they think they could "pull it off"?
  • Why do you think Sapphira didn't hear about her husband's death at some point?
  • When verses 13 and 14 are taken together, how do people join the group?
  • What is drawing people from the outlying areas into Jerusalem?
  • What does it take to be healed by Peter?
  • Who do the religious leaders lock up?
  • Which segment of the religious leaders does this?
  • Who leads the apostles out, and why tell them to go back to the temple?
  • If the captain and his officers fear being stoned by the people, why would the religious leaders not fear the same thing?
  • Read the article on the sect of the Pharisees at this link (or at least the part on their beliefs - section II).  Why would this group give any support to the believers against the Sadducees?
  • What about Gamaliel's point makes some sense?  What doesn't?
  • Look up Theudas at this link.  Which explanation sounds better to you?
  • Look up Judas of Galilee at this link.  Which of these two do you think makes better support for Gamaliel's point?
  • Consider the reason for the apostles (remember Acts 1:21-22), what might have happened to the church had the assembly carried out their initial intent?
  • So, instead of killing them, what does the assembly do?
  • How effective a threat/punishment is it?
  • What do the apostles do after the flogging?
  • How does the church respond to these events?
That should do for the next few days.  I am looking forward to studying this passage with you.  Remember each other before our Master.  Blessings upon you until we see each other Thursday!

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