In any case, we'll be looking at the 16 verses of chapter 2. Perhaps we'll take 3 and 4 together, but that's for another week. Focus on the elements in this chapter and read through them several times. You may find it helpful to read 3 and 4, perhaps re-read 1, for context. Look for elements that are different from 1 or build on things Paul said in 1. If you read ahead, see what he does with the things in 2. Jot down questions and observations about what he has in these 16 verses.
After going through this chapter several times, read back through with the questions below:
- Paul clearly builds of his contrast of the wisdom of God versus the world here. Considering how involved these chapters are, what do you think of Paul's claim that he 'did not come with superiority of speech or wisdom'?
- Considering that in the previous chapter Paul says that God uses the foolish things of this cosmos to destroy the wise, what do you think of the content of Paul's message (verse 2)? Why do you think the 'Crucified Messiah' would fit that description?
- The 'fear and much trembling' sounds weak. What do you think it truly meant in Paul's message, why do you think he would tremble and be afraid?
- What sort of things do you think made up Paul's 'demonstration of the Spirit of power'? You can find another reference like this in chapter 5 (verses 3-5). How does that affect your understanding of what Paul means in chapter 2?
- In verses 6 through 9, who do you think are the 'rulers of this age'?
- To whom did Paul speak of 'wisdom' and what what do you think he told them?
- In verses 10 through 16, Paul talks about the 'role' of the Holy Spirit. Consider where he starts, and the last statement in verse 16. What do you think that means for us?
- These final verses contrast natural man and spiritual man. Considering their view that the spiritual has nothing to do with the natural man (hence they can be immoral and not affect their spirit), what do you think about Paul's contrast? How do you think the church accepted or understood this?