Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Kingdom of God is like and full of...

This is the Bible study page for the Thursday Night Bible Study meeting July 21 to study Luke 13:18-35.  This passage has two very peculiar similes of the Kingdom of God, a parable about who will be there, and a prophecy over Jerusalem.  It's possible to see these three things related beyond simply all being about the Kingdom of God, but it's not necessary.

Read through the passage a few times, reading what came before and what comes after to get a sense of the literary context.  Luke has put these things together, and part of what we'll be doing is trying to figure out why. Make notes and jot down questions.  After that consult other resources and perspectives.  Revise your notes and questions accordingly.  After that, go back through with the questions below:
  • Verse 18 begins with "Therefore", tying it to the previous passage (v.10-17).  What do you think these two "similes" (using "like" or "as" for comparison) have to do with the healing on the Sabbath?
  • Jesus asks what he should compare the Kingdom to as a rhetorical device, it draws the attention of the listeners.  But He then answers with these two baffling comparisons.  What do you think His listeners thought of His comparisons?
  • First the Kingdom is like a mustard seed.  In His description it is planted by a person and it then grows into a large tree used by birds for nesting.  How do these things, the mustard seed (Kingdom), man (God?), large tree, and nesting birds all have to do with the Kingdom of God?
  • Again He asks the rhetorical question about to what to compare the Kingdom.  Why do you think He would ask the question again?
  • This time, the Kingdom is like "bread starter" or a heavily leavened lump.  Now a woman conceals the lump in flour and the whole rose.  How do these things, the leavened lump (Kingdom), the woman (God?), and three measures of flour all relate to the Kingdom of God?
  • Next, in verse 22, He's traveling toward Jerusalem again, and someone asks about getting to the Kingdom of God.  Try to look at this question from the perspective of a First Century Jew.  What do you think the man means by "few"?  (few Jews, few people-groups, few Gentiles, few porcupines, what?)
  • Jesus responds with a "narrow gate" answer, but it's not like Matthew's quote in Matthew 7:13-14.  In Matthew there are two paths, one narrow, one wide.  Why do you think Luke's would have only one narrow door?
  • Luke goes on to describe the door as to a household and many being shut out.  Now the description takes on a different tone, like that of Matthew 7:21-23.  In Matthew, the shut-outs prophesied and cast out demons.  In Luke the people ate and drank and heard Him in their streets.  What do you think Luke is getting at that makes his so different than Matthew's?
  • What do you think of the "familiarity" of the people shut out in Luke's account?
  • Jesus finally calls the shut-outs "evil-doers", but at first, and then again, He says, "I do not know where you are from".  What do you think this repeated phrase means?  Why wouldn't God know where these people were from?
  • In the place the shut-outs go, they can see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob eating with people from all over (east, west, north, and south).  It sounds like this ability to see but not join in is what makes their place full of gnashing teeth and weeping.  Why do you think God would punish people in such a way?
  • What do you think Jesus' description of the punishment sounded like to His Jewish listeners?
  • Jesus then wraps up with a statement that the last will be first and the first who will be last.  What do you think He means here?
  • Luke is clear to point out the immediacy of the next event.  Why do you think Luke would tie the Pharisees warning so closely with the previous statements?
  • They warn that Herod wants to kill Jesus.  How likely, based on the crucifixion account later, do you think it is that they are right?
  • Jesus responds that He must go to Jerusalem, because no prophet can die outside of the city.  While that's not strictly true, what do you think Jesus is getting at?
  • Jesus has to cast out demons and perform cures on His way, but look at the timing.  To what do you think Jesus may be referring in His "third day" reference?
  • Jesus then prophesies over Jerusalem in the form of a lament.  How do you feel about Jesus' words?  What emotions do they evoke for you?
  • Jesus has wanted to gather the city like chicks under the wings of a mother hen.  As people hear this, what do you think they think about His words?  What do you think this sounds like? See if you can find a reference to this imagery in the Hebrew Scriptures (Hen gathering her chicks).
  • What do you think Jesus' last comment refers to, His Triumphal Entry or His eventual appearing later?
That should keep us busy for a while.  Remember to use the AHA structure to examine personal application.

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