Monday, January 30, 2017

Setting Up

This is the Bible study page for the Thursday Night Bible Study Group meeting February 2 to study Luke 22:1-13.  This passage sets up the betrayal of Jesus and the place where He will celebrate His "Last Supper".

This may be a familiar passage to you, so you will need to either read it in an unfamiliar translation or force yourself to read it slow.  Using a few translation will also help shake up your familiarity and provide insight into ranges of translation options.  Be sure to jot down your questions and insights.  Below is a question or problem I want you to work through before you use any commentaries:

For some insight on the timing of the Passover and Unleavened Bread, look up Deuteronomy 16:1-8.  That will explain somewhat about the timing.  Compare  Matthew 26 and Mark 14 with this passage, and see that the timing is pretty consistent.  Now look at John 13, there the timing is before the feast.  Consider again Deuteronomy 16.  If all the able Jews from all over the known world came to Jerusalem for a sacrifice, how could they all have their lambs sacrificed in a single evening?  How would you solve this dilemma?

Once you have some questions and observations of your own, go back through the passage with any commentaries you can find.  They will be somewhat helpful (although not all agree) on some of these details.  Once you've revised your questions and observations from commentary reading, go back through with the questions below:
  • Even John (John 11:45-53) agrees that the religious leaders plotted to kill Jesus, but were afraid of a riot during the Passover/Unleavened Bread festival.  But John is clearer about why they wanted to avoid a riot.  Why do you think it was so important to the religious leaders not to upset the Romans?  Why do you think the "people" would be less concerned?
  • That Satan enters Judas is supported by John as well (John 13:27), but the timing is different.  Yet in another place Jesus says about Judas (on the side) that he is a devil (John 6:70).  When do you think Satan was working in Judas, and what does the point about Satan entering him really mean for the writers?
  • Matthew says the religious leaders gave Judas 30 pieces of silver, Mark and Luke don't mention a specific amount, and John has nothing about it at all.  What do you think is the point about the silver?
  • Notice that the actions of Judas enable the religious leaders to consider getting rid of Jesus during the festival instead of waiting.  Why do you think this is important to the plan of God?
  • The instructions for finding the room for the Passover preparations should sound a little familiar (Luke 19:29-35).  Mark has similar details (Mark 14:12-17), and Matthew has far fewer (Matt. 26:17-20).  So what do you think is the point of the Gospel writers in providing this detail about Jesus, that He has these arrangements somehow already made?
That should keep us busy for a while.  Be sure to bring your notes with you.  Also consider the character of Judas, and how he may give you insight into our own relationship with Jesus.  What strikes you as odd and what do you learn about yourself?

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